The morning after the design charrette, facilitators gathered early to delve into the six emerging ideas from each table. Combining their insights, they produced four distinct schemes showcasing how concepts from landscape architecture, architecture, housing, and transportation tables could blend harmoniously. These final four concepts were presented to a diverse audience, initiating engaging discussions and Q&A sessions to refine the plans. Facilitators integrated public comments, resulting in three compelling final concepts. Now, we encourage feedback on each drawing as we move forward with these options over the coming months. Explore the three concepts here and share your thoughts below!
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What do you like about the West Campus Design? Click all that apply.
Traffic & Circulation
Building Location & Layout
Field Location
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What do you like about the East Campus Design? Click all that apply.
Traffic & Circulation
Building Locations & Layout
Field Location
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What do you like about the South Campus Design? Click all that apply.
Traffic & Circulation
Building Locations & Layout
Field Location
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Don't forget about our next event on August 17 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at St. Matthias Anglican Church. To learn more about the session, or to RSVP, click here.
Do you have questions about this event or the engagement process in general? Do you have specific comments or concerns that were not captured here? Please contact us at Thanks again for being an integral part of the PW Renewal Project!